Frequently Asked Questions





  • Why can't I see the new user, customer, service item, etc I just added in QuickBooks on the website?
    We cache some list data from QuickBooks in our database for speed, the administrator can clear the cache from the "Account" page and selecting the "Clear Cache" link. If you are using Time Groups, you will also need to add the new item to the group.RETURN TO TOP
  • I'm finished with the trial and would like to start paying, what do I do?
    To activate your service, log in as the administrator, go to "My Account" and select the "Account" link. At the bottom of the page in the "Payment Method" area, select the "Activate my account" checkbox and complete your billing information. RETURN TO TOP


  • How can I limit what Service Item, Customer, etc a user sees?
    You will need to create a "Time Group", select what is visible to the group and assign the user to that group. RETURN TO TOP
  • Why can't I see my QuickBooks employees on the timesheet dropdown?
    The MC2 Administrator must first create a MC2 user id and associate that id with a QuickBooks employee. This can be done from the administrators "My Account"/"Add user" screen. RETURN TO TOP
  • Is there any way that timesheets can be submitted daily, or partial weeks, instead of weekly?
    Yes you can submit timesheets daily. In order to go into daily mode, as the mc2 administrator, go to "My Account" and select the "Account" link, under "Account Preferences", check "daily" next to " Time Sheet Submission". Click "Submit" to save the changes. RETURN TO TOP
  • How do I enable email notifications?
    To notify your employee's when time are approved or rejected, from the administrators "Account" page, check the "Send email to users .." option under "Account Preferences". A person who is an approver and wants to be notified to approve should select a notification time under their "Account" settings. RETURN TO TOP
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